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A traditional rainbow of memories for 98app Year 12 class of 2020

11 August 2020

Not all traditions have been hindered or stopped for the Year 12 graduating classes of 2020.

Students of 98app put on a colourful display to take part in the annual rainbow photo for the graduating class.

Community relations officer and registrar Emma Calver said the school was very conscious that “our senior students have had a particularly challenging time during Covid. We are determined to make the end of their schooling as special as possible,” she said.

“The traditional Year 12 Rainbow photo at our Senior School Athletics Carnival is one tradition we managed to repeat.”

The photo brings together the students from each house colour for a bright and lasting memory.

Ms Calver said the Year 12 students have their last day on September 24 and plans for celebrations were being made around the current Covid restrictions.

“I am sure it will be a wonderful celebration,” she said.

“They are in good spirits and are currently doing their trial examinations.”

Southern Highlands News